Scott Hopkins
author : Scott HopkinsChaos is Order yet Undefined\nTo Scott, no matter how chaotic or crazy things appear, there is always a pattern. The same is true for the stories and plots in his mind. \n\nScott is a budding author new to the science fiction scene. He's on a search for truth and order through writing and spinning webs of fiction for all to share. His hope is that the search has finally brought him to the cusp of a very popular first full length novel and sci fi series. \n\nAs an avid reader of the classical sci-fi authors like William Gibson and Phillip K Dick, Douglas Adams and Orson Scott Card, Scott found a lot of expression and inspiration in the twisted plots of gritty otherworldly matters. While clean, utopian science fiction such as Star Trek have always been a good anchor for inspiration, grittier sci-fi like Neuromancer and Blade Runner with their twisting plots and intrigue are where Scott believes the true field in which good sci-fi is cultivated and grown.\n\nMilitary by trade and an educator at heart, Scott enjoys influencing people through his words and ideas and hopes to develop and share his visions of space and time with new readers. View more >>Scott Hopkins Book Series